Maribel Garcia (she/her/ella)

Bay Area Community Resources

Program Coordinator                   

Maribel Garcia (she/her/ella) comes with seven years of experience working within nonprofits that range from working with the unhoused to engaging youth through service learning to environmental education. Maribel has a background in restorative justice, creating culturally relevant curriculum, leading trainings, and helping organizations strategically plan to create more equitable and flourishing organizations. Ultimately, Maribel hopes to support the growth and development of emerging leaders while motivating others to take action on climate change. Outside of her work as a Program Coordinator for California Climate Action Corps, Maribel is the founder of The Decolonized Kitchen - a workshop series where she teaches others how to cook with native plants while uplifting indigenous movements and issues. In her spare time Maribel enjoys being in nature and cuddling with her two cats, Metztli and Odin!